
Complete College Consulting


This package provides a comprehensive roadmap to success, covering vital steps such as evaluating transcripts, refining extracurricular activities, and creating a strategic application plan. I craft a personalized college list, offer expert advice on researching institutions, and develop a strategic application plan, for applying to up to 10 colleges, one honors applications, and one scholarship application. Guidance extends to perfecting essay topics, development, and we're here for you even with admissions appeals. With up to 35 dedicated hours, this package ensures a polished approach making your college journey a confident step toward a brighter future.

Application Essentials package


Ideal for students who already know where they intend to apply and require minimal assistance with the college search process. This package offers up to 15 hours of dedicated guidance for up to six colleges, including creating a tailored admissions timeline, review of transcripts and test scores, and expert advice on maximizing your competitiveness for your selected schools. Let's make your college application journey a seamless and successful one.

Senior Jump Start


Get a head start on your college applications with the Senior Jump Start Package, focusing on crafting an outstanding Common App essay. With up to four personalized meetings, we'll work closely together to brainstorm ideas and develop a 650-word personal statement that truly reflects your unique personality and experiences. My goal is to help you maximize your competitiveness while authentically showcasing who you are.

Inquiry consultation is free.

Hourly sessions may be booked for $200 per hour. This time may include meetings, editing, and is not always student facing or in person.